Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Acid Splash is a spell in Owlcat Pathfinder Games.

Logo WRmini image:
Spellbook frame
Acid Splash
Logo KMmini image: AcidSplash
You fire a small orb of acid at the target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The orb deals 1–3 (1d3) points of acid damage.
One enemy creature within close range.
Logo WRminiYou fire a small orb of acid at the target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The orb deals 1–3 (1d3) points of acid damage.
Spell List
Wizard/Sorcerer 0
Cantrip 0
Magus 0
Inquisitor 0

Spell Resistance Not affected by spell resistance
Descriptors Acid
Action Type Standard Action

  • Basic Ray attack that deals 1d3 Acid damage
Blueprint AcidSplash (0c852a2405dd9f14a8bbcfaf245ff823)

See Also[ | ]
