Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Classes are broadly defined specializations of a character. Pathfinder: Kingmaker currently includes all the core classes, plus the Alchemist, Inquisitor, Magus and Slayer.

Archetypes are variants of classes meant to provide more options for character building and development. Each class has three available archetypes.

Prestige Classes are a sort of advanced class that each have their own prerequisites.

The Kineticist class was added in the The Wildcards DLC.

Classes Archetypes
Alchemist Chirurgeon Grenadier Vivisectionist
Barbarian Armored Hulk Mad Dog Invulnerable Rager
Bard Archaeologist Flame Dancer Thunder Caller
Cleric Herald Caller Ecclesitheurge Crusader
Druid Blight Druid Defender of the True World Feyspeaker
Fighter Aldori Defender Tower Shield Specialist Two-Handed Fighter
Inquisitor Sacred Huntsmaster Monster Tactician Tactical Leader
Kineticist Dark Elementalist Psychokineticist Kinetic Knight
Magus Eldritch Archer Eldritch Scion Sword Saint
Monk Scaled Fist Sensei Traditional Monk
Paladin Divine Hunter Divine Guardian Hospitaler
Ranger Freebooter Flamewarden Stormwalker
Rogue Eldritch Scoundrel Knife Master Thug
Slayer Vanguard Deliverer Spawn Slayer
Sorcerer Empyreal Sorcerer Sage Sorcerer Sylvan Sorcerer
Wizard Scroll Savant Arcane Bomber Thassilonian Specialist
Prestige Classes Requirements
Aldori Swordlord Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dueling sword),

Mobility 3, Persuasion 5, Knowledge (World) 3, Perception 3

Arcane Trickster Sneak attack +2d6, Ability to cast 2nd level Arcane spells, Trickery 4, Mobility 4, Knowledge (arcana) 4.
Dragon Disciple Ability to spontaneously cast 1st level Arcane spells, Draconic Bloodline or no existing bloodline, Knowledge (arcana) 5.
Duelist Base Attack Bonus: +6, Dodge, Combat Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Mobility 2.
Eldritch Knight Martial Weapons Proficiency, Ability to cast 3rd level Arcane spells.
Mystic Theurge Ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells, Ability to cast 2nd level divine spells, Lore: Religion 3, Knowledge: Arcana 3
Stalwart Defender Base Attack Bonus: +7, Dodge, Toughness.

Primary Attributes[ | ]

Class Archetype Primary Attributes Spellcasting BAB Hit Dice Skill Points Saves
Fort. Ref. Will
Alchemist Any INT (spells) and DEX Alchemist spells (Arcane, have to be prepared, up to 6 levels, 5/level) 3/4 d8 3 x x
Barbarian Any Physical (usually STR and CON (rage)) None 1 d12 3 x
Bard Any CHA Bard spells (Arcane, spontaneous, up to 6 levels, 5/level) 3/4 d8 4 x x
Cleric Cleric WIS (spells) and CHA (channeling) Cleric spells (Divine, have to be prepared, full 9 levels, up to 4/level) 3/4 d8 2 x x
Herald Caller and Ecclesitheurge 3
Crusader WIS (spells), CHA (channeling), Physical (usually STR and CON) Cleric spells (Divine, have to be prepared, full 9 levels, up to 3/level) 2
Druid Most WIS (spells) Druid spells (Divine, have to be prepared, full 9 levels, up to 4/level) 3/4 d8 3 x x
Feyspeaker CHA (spells) Druid spells (Divine, have to be prepared, full 9 levels, up to 4/level) with a bit of Arcane 1/2 4
Fighter Most Physical (usually STR and CON) None 1 d10 2 x
Aldori Defender Physical (usually DEX and CON)
Inquisitor Any WIS (spells) Inquisitor spells (Divine, spontaneous, up to 6 levels, 5/level) 3/4 d8 4 x x
Kineticist and Kinetic Knight DEX (Ability DC & Hit Chance) and CON (burn) Spell-like wild talents & blasts 3/4 d8 2 x x
Dark Elementalist DEX (Ability DC & Hit Chance) and INT (burn) x
Psychokineticist DEX (Ability DC & Hit Chance) and WIS (burn) x x
Magus Magus and Eldritch Archer INT (spells & arcane pool) and Physical Magus spells (Arcane, have to be prepared, up to 6 levels, 5/level) 3/4 d8 2 x x
Eldritch Scion CHA (spells & arcane pool) and Physical Magus spells (Arcane, spontaneous, up to 6 levels, 5/level)
Sword Saint INT (spells & AC & arcane pool) and Physical Magus spells (Arcane, have to be prepared, up to 6 levels, 4/level)
Monk Monk WIS (AC & Ki) and Physical (usually DEX and CON) A handful of spell-like Ki Powers 1 d10 3 x x
Traditional Monk x x x
Scaled Fist CHA (AC & Ki) and Physical (usually DEX and CON) x x
Sensei WIS (AC & Ki & Melee Attack and Damage) and Physical x x
Paladin Paladin and Hospitaler CHA (spells, channeling, saving throws) and Physical (usually STR and CON) Paladin spells (Divine, have to be prepared, up to 4 levels, up to 4/4/3/3 per level) 1 d10 2 x x
Divine Hunter CHA (spells, channeling, saving throws) and Physical (usually DEX and STR)
Divine Guardian CHA (channeling, saving throws) and Physical (usually STR and CON) None
Ranger Any WIS (spells) and Physical (usually DEX and STR) Ranger spells (Divine, have to be prepared, up to 4 levels, up to 4/4/3/3 per level) 1 d10 4 x x
Rogue Most Physical (usually DEX) None 3/4 d8 5 x
Eldritch Scoundrel Physical (usually DEX) and INT (spells) Wizard/Sorcerer spells (Arcane, have to be prepared, up to 6 levels, 5/level) 3
Slayer Any Physical None 1 d10 3 x x
Sorcerer Sorcerer and Sylvan Sorcerer CHA (spells) Wizard/Sorcerer spells (Arcane, spontaneous, up to 9 levels, 6/level) 1/2 d6 2 x
Empyreal Sorcerer WIS (spells)
Sage Sorcerer INT (spells)
Wizard Any INT (spells) Wizard/Sorcerer spells (Arcane, have to be prepared, up to 9 levels, 4/level) 1/2 d6 2 x
Aldori Swordlord Prestige Physical (DEX) None 1 d10 2 x
Arcane Trickster Prestige Depends on Arcane class, DEX Existing Arcane (10 caster levels) 1/2 d6 3 x x
Dragon Disciple Prestige Depends on Arcane class, STR Existing spontaneous Arcane (7 caster levels) 3/4 d12 2 x x
Duelist Prestige DEX and INT (AC) None 1 d10 3 x
Eldritch Knight Prestige Depends on Arcane class, Physical Existing Arcane (9 caster levels) 1 d10 2 x
Mystic Theurge Prestige Depends on Arcane & Divine classes Existing Arcane & Divine (10 caster levels in each). Combined Spells feature. 1/2 d6 2 x
Stalwart Defender Prestige Physical None 1 d12 2 x x

Proficiencies[ | ]

Class Archetype Armor Weapons
Light Medium Heavy Shields Simple Martial Other
Alchemist Most x x can use bombs (except for Vivisectionist)
Grenadier x x x
Barbarian Most x x x x x
Armored Hulk x x x x x x
Bard Any x x x + longsword, rapier, shortsword, shortbow
Cleric Most x x x x + favored weapon of deity
Herald Caller x x
Ecclesitheurge only club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff

and favored weapon of deity

Druid Any (x) (x) (x) only non-metallic shields and armor (padded, leather, or hide armor);

only club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortsword, sling, and spear

Fighter Most x x x x x x + tower shield
Aldori Defender + tower shield and dueling sword
Inquisitor Any x x x x + favored weapon of deity, longbow, shortbow
Most x x can use Kinetic Blade and Kinetic Blast
Kinetic Knight x x x x x
Magus Most x (x) (x) x x gains medium armor at level 7 and heavy armor at level 13
Sword Saint x + a single martial or exotic weapon ("chosen weapon")
Monk Any only club, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, spear and monk weapons
Paladin Most x x x x x x
Divine Hunter x x x x x
Ranger Any x x x x x
Rogue Most x x + rapier, short sword, shortbow
Eldritch Scoundrel x
Slayer Any x x x x x
Sorcerer Any x
Wizard Any only club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff