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Talk to Kalannah in The Beer Mug Inn during Cruel Justice.


  • Cues with Index are initated only by answers and cues, not lists.
  • Orange lines are shown/selected only once. Yellow lines are shown/selected only once per dialogue session.
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List Code Condition Next Speaker Text Result
Cue_0002 Kalannah
Kalannah sits at the table, calmly sipping beer. When she sees you, she raises her hand as though she'd spotted some old friends. "There you are! Long time, no see."
Cue_0003 Regongar
Regongar bares his teeth. "Tell us what you're doing here, witch!"
AnswersList_0005 Kalannah
"How rude. I willingly came here to bring you valuable information. How would you like to have a face-to-face conversation with Maestro Janush? He's visiting these lands with some of his students and slaves... Oooh, your eyes lit up at that, didn't they? Your faces give me all the answer I need."
Cue_0019 Player "Remind me, who's this Maestro Janush?"
Cue_0020 Regongar
Regongar spits on the floor. "A wizard from the Technic League. Taught Octavia and me — we owe half our scars to him."
AnswersList_0005 Octavia
"I have to admit, he did teach us magic well enough. I can't wait to see him again so we can thank him for it!"
Cue_0007 Player "Did Maestro Janush send you?"
AnswersList_0005 Kalannah
"In a manner of speaking, I suppose. Though, it wasn't exactly a 'send,' and it wasn't exactly me... One of Janush's cronies was supposed to sit here and lure you into a trap. But that ran counter to my interests, so the Maestro's messenger is rotting away in a swamp, and I'm sitting here instead to tell you — for absolutely free! — how to avoid this trap."
Cue_0009 Player "Why should we believe you?"
AnswersList_0005 Kalannah
"We have a common interest. Remember our last encounter? You may have spared my life, but that still left me in deep shit. The expedition thwarted, valuable slaves lost... And the Technic League isn't very forgiving. I tried hiding in the River Kingdoms, but Janush has a long reach. I won't get any peace while he still breathes. The smart move, then, is to help his mortal enemies!"
Cue_0004 Player "Maybe we should just kill you here and now."
AnswersList_0005 Kalannah
"I think not. I've got a tavern full of hostages, here. You start a fight, and I'll let some gifts from Numeria fly — not at you, but at your subjects. So please be reasonable, Your {Grace/Highness}."
  • Selected (Answer_0006)
  • Selected (Answer_0008)
Cue_0013 Player "Octavia, Regongar — what do you think?"
Cue_0014 Regongar
"I think I still want to smash her in her smug face... but I want to gut the Maestro even more."
Cue_0015 Octavia
"And if she's lying, she's doing a convincing job of it. The Technic League really wouldn't forgive such a failure. And gambits like that would be a piece of cake for them. There's definitely a catch here, but consider me hooked."
Cue_0016 Kalannah
"The catch will be on Maestro Janush when, expecting you to come through the main door, you get in through the back." Kalannah tosses an envelope on the table. "Here — a map marked with the location of the Technic League's lair, and a schematic of the secret entrance. They won't expect you to enter there. No thanks necessary — all I want in return is for you to find Janush and lop off his head."
Cue_0017 Regongar
Regongar opens the envelope and inspects the map with suspicion. "All right, we'll believe you for now. But if we ever see your ugly face here again..."
End Dialogue Kalannah
"Boy, do you think I have even the slightest desire to see yours again?" Kalannah stands. "Have a nice day, my friends. I hope this is our last encounter. By the way, the beer you have here tastes like manticore piss... just saying. Good luck with Janush!"