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Finish dealing with Kalannah in Technic League Encampment.


  • Cues with Index are initated only by answers and cues, not lists.
  • Orange lines are shown/selected only once. Yellow lines are shown/selected only once per dialogue session.
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List Code Condition Next Speaker Text Result
Completed Objective Hand of the Technic League (02_DefeatKalannah) ORDER:
  1. Cue_0006
  2. Cue_0007
OR_Dialogue: locked
KalannahFate is 1, 2 Cue_0008 Octavia
"I didn't mean to spoil the victory... But on the other hand, she deserved it."
KalannahFate is 3 Cue_0008 Regongar
"You shouldn't have spared her life. On second thought... What difference does it make? Either way, she'll rot in the Abyss!"
Cue_0009 Regongar
"Ha haaa! We're free! I can't believe it! Free as the birds in the sky! Phew!! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Regongar holds Octavia tight, and she laughs lightly and kisses him on the lips.
AnswersList_0010 Octavia
"Thank you! You've no idea how long we've tried to escape the Technic League. This is a miracle!"
Cue_0016 Player "Who are you?"
  1. CueSequence_0034
  2. AnswersList_0010
"I am Regongar, and this is Octavia. The rotten Numerian held us as slaves. But we are no mere scavengers! You see the crowd they had guarding us? It's because we use magic — and I'm not bad with a blade, if it comes to that!"
Cue_0014 Player "What is the Technic League?"
Cue_0015 Octavia
"A huge man-eating spider, catching all of Numeria in its webs! They're a secret society of arcane spellcasters, who study ancient technology. They have eyes and ears throughout this land, and abroad. It is said they even have Kevoth-Kul in their pocket! The very sovereign of Numeria!"
  1. CueSequence_0037
  2. AnswersList_0010
"They also control all the slave trade in the country. I've seen many a young treasure hunters' adventures end at the slave market... Ugh, may the Technic League rot in Abaddon!"
Cue_0017 Player "How did you get captured by Kalannah?"
Cue_0023 Octavia
"I've lost count of how many times we've tried to escape. I can't name all the things we have tried — but we were caught every time... And then they'd just take us somewhere else. I don't know who'd want to buy us, but imagine how happy we were, when we learned they were taking us to the River Kingdoms where slavery is forbidden!"
AnswersList_0010 Regongar
"Indeed. We tried so many times to escape, yet in the end the League itself brought us to the free lands! Under heavy guard, I'll grant you. If it wasn't for you, who knows where we'd go next."
Cue_0021 Player "You're good fighters. Want to join my group?"
Cue_0022 Regongar
"Of course! Octavia, what do you say?"
End Dialogue Octavia
"I would be happy to join you!"
Cue_0024 Player "There's something we have to discuss. Go to Oleg's Trading Post. You'll be safe there. I'll return there soon."
Cue_0026 Player "I was happy to help. And now — farewell."
AnswersList_0027 Regongar
"You're a good fighter! Is there a place for us on your team? They kept us in chains for a reason — we can put up a good fight!"
Combat Player (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I haven't time for games with you. Die!"
Amiri "They're all right! We could use them on our team!"
Valerie "There is nothing worse than a nation in which a secret criminal organization has consolidated power. Even an openly cruel tyrant is better than the infection that festers in Numeria."
Cue_0031 Player "All right. Welcome to my group!"
End Dialogue Octavia
"Great! Where are we going?"
Cue_0024 Player "Very well, but not now. Go to Oleg's Trading Post and wait for me there."
Cue_0032 Player "No, I have no need of you. You'd better leave the Stolen Lands quickly — you're still in danger here."
Cue_0033 Regongar
"Very well, as you wish. So long!"
End Dialogue Octavia
"Thank you for saving us! Good luck!" Octavia blows you a kiss.
Octavia and Regongar leave.
End Dialogue Regongar
"We will be waiting for you! But be careful you're not followed. The Technic League has eyes everywhere!"