Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Feats are special abilities of each character, further setting them apart from comparable builds. Feats often have a number of prerequisites that must be met in order to select them during level ups. All characters receive a free feat every odd character level. How often a character receives Feats beyond that depends on their class.

Ability score prerequisites for a feat can be met by using equipment. E.g. a character with 8 DEX can learn Dodge (requires 13 DEX) if during his level-up he has a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6 equipped on him. But the feat will only have its effect as long as the respective ability score is still increased.

Types of Feats[ | ]

  • General feats have no special rules beyond those that apply to all feats.
  • Combat feats can be selected as fighters’ bonus feats, but other characters can select them as well.
  • Maneuver feats grant Combat Maneuver Abilities that the player can choose to use actively in fights.
  • Critical feats modify the effects of critical hits.
  • Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to grant their spells new powers and effects. Spells modified by such feats generally take up a higher-level spell slot than normal.
  • Teamwork feats provide benefits to characters in specific circumstances. Usually, two or more characters must have the same teamwork feat to use it.
  • Mounted CombatLogo WRmini feats provides benefits for mounted combatants.

All Feats[ | ]

BAB - Basic Attack Bonus (BAB)

Name Type Benefit Requirements
Ability Focus — Bombs General +2 to the DC for all saving throws against your bombs. Bomb or Arcane Bombs
Accomplished Sneak Attacker General Your sneak attack damage increases by 1d6. Sneak Attack Rank 1+
Advanced Weapon Training Logo WRmini Combat, General Select one advanced weapon training option, applying it to your fighter weapon groups you have selected with the weapon training class feature. Weapon Training
Agile Maneuvers Combat Use Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for calculating CMB. Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Sunder Armor, or Trip
Aldori Dueling Mastery Combat +2 bonus on initiative if wielding a dueling sword at start of combat. +2 AC shield bonus if off-hand is free. Dexterity 13
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus (Dueling Sword)
Alertness General +2 bonus on Perception checks; +4 if 10 or more skill ranks.
Allied Spellcaster Teamwork +2 bonus to concentration and level checks to overcome spell resistance if an ally who also has this feat is nearby.
Arcane Armor Training Combat Reduce your armor's arcane spell failure by 10%.
Arcane Armor Mastery Combat Reduce your armor's arcane spell failure by 10%. Stacks with Arcane Armor Training for total 20% reduction. Arcane Armor Training
Arcane Focus Logo WRmini General, Magic Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast spells defensively, and a +1 bonus on caster levels checks to overcome spell resistance.
Arcane Strike Combat As a swift action your weapons deal +1 damage and +1 damage per 5 caster levels and are treated as magic for DR purposes for 1 round. Ability to cast arcane spells
Armor Focus Combat +1 on AC bonus while wearing a chosen armor type. BAB 1
Armor Proficiency (Light Armor) Combat Gain proficiency with light armor.
Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor) Combat Gain proficiency with medium armor. Armor Proficiency (Light Armor)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy Armor) Combat Gain proficiency with heavy armor. Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor)
Augment Summoning General Summoned creatures gain +4 Strength and Constitution. Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Back to Back Teamwork +2 AC vs flanking foes when adjacent an ally with this feat. Perception 3
Bashing Finish Combat, Melee When you critical hit with a melee weapon, you can as a free action make a shield bash vs. the foe with the same bonus. BAB 11
Shield Bash
Shield Master
Two-Weapon Fighting
Blind Fight Combat When you miss a melee attack due to concealment, you reroll once. Invisible melee foes get no bonus hitting you. Gain immunity to Gaze Attacks.
Blinding Critical Combat, Critical Your critical hits dazzle foes for 1d4 rounds or blind them unless they make a DC 10 + your BAB fort save. BAB 15
Critical Focus
Boon Companion General +4 Animal companion level progression, cannot exceed character level. Animal Companion
Breadth of Experience Logo WRmini General You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge and Lore skill checks.
Brew Potions Logo WRmini General brew potions of spells up to level 3 during camping
Bull Rush Combat, Maneuver Charge foe to push them back. +2 CMB when attacking and defending against Bull Rush. Strength 13
Power Attack
Cautious Fighter Combat, Racial +2 dodge AC when using Fighting Defensively. Halfling
Cleave Combat, Melee As a standard action, make a full BAB melee attack that if hits, gives you an extra melee attack vs an adjacent foe. Suffer -2 AC penalty for 1 round after using it. Strength 13
Power Attack
Cleaving Finish Combat, Melee After reducing a target to 0 Hit Points, gain an extra melee attack vs any foe adjacent to the target. Strength 13
Power Attack
Clustered Shots Combat, Ranged Total all damage from weapon attacks in a round before applying damage reduction. BAB 6
Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Combat Casting General +4 bonus on concentration to cast spells.
Combat Expertise Combat Optional -1 to hit/CMB for +1 AC scaling by 1 per 4 BAB. Intelligence 13
Combat Mobility Combat +4 dodge bonus to AC vs attacks of opportunity when you move out or within a threatened area. Dexterity 13
Combat Reflexes Combat Gain extra attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus.
Coordinated Defense Combat, Teamwork +2 bonus, or +4 if your foe is larger than you, to your CMD when nearby an ally who also has this feat.
Coordinated Maneuvers Combat, Teamwork +2 competence bonus on all combat maneuver checks when nearby an ally who also has this feat. +4 against Grapple
Cornugon Smash Combat, Melee A hit with Power Attack can automatically intimidate the foe. Persuasion 6
Power Attack
Crane Riposte Combat, Style Reduce Fighting Defensively Attack penalty by 1. When a foe miss you by 4 or less, you lose dodge bonus from Crane Wing but get an Attack of Opportunity on that foe. BAB 8 or Monk 7
Crane Style
Crane Wing
Improved Unarmed Strike
Crane Style Combat, Style Reduce Fighting Defensively Attack penalty by 2. +1 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively with Crane Style. BAB 2 or Monk 1
Improved Unarmed Strike
Crane Wing Combat, Style +4 AC when fighting defensively with a free hand. If missed by a melee attack by 4 or less, lose the bonus that round. BAB 5 or Monk 5
Crane Style
Improved Unarmed Strike
Critical Focus Combat +4 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits. BAB 9
Critical Mastery Combat, Critical When you score a critical hit, you can apply the effects of two critical feats in addition to the damage dealt. Fighter 14
Critical Focus
Two critical feats
Crushing Blow Combat, Melee Make a Stunning Fist attack as a full-round action that reduce the target's AC by your Wisdom modifier for 1 min. Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Dazzling Display Combat Intimidate all foes within 30 feet who can see your display. Weapon Focus
Deadly Aim Combat, Ranged -1 Attack and +2 Damage for ranged weapons, the bonuses increase each 4 BAB. BAB 1
Dexterity 13
Deceitful General +2 Persuasion and Trickery, +4 if 10 ranks or more.
Defensive Combat Training Combat Use your total HD as your BAB when calculating your CMD.
Deflect Arrows Combat Deflect one ranged attack hitting you per round if you have a hand free. Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deft Hands General +2 Trickery and Use Magic Device, +4 if 10 ranks or more.
Destructive Dispel Logo WRmini Magic, General When you successfully make a targeted dispel check against an opponent, that opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 caster level + casting ability modifier) or be stunned until the start of your next turn. If the save succeeds, the opponent is instead sickened for 1 round.
Diehard General If 0 hp or less, fight on for 1 round before unconscious.
Dirty Trick Combat, Maneuver As a standard action perform a combat maneuver to impose either: blinded, entangled, or sickened on a foe for 1 round + 1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target's CMD.
+2 CMB and CMD for Dirty Tricks
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior
Disarm Combat, Maneuver As a standard action perform a combat maneuver to disarm target for 1 round + 1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target's CMD.
+2 CMB and CMD for Disarm
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior
Discerning Eye Logo WRmini General You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against Illusion spells and effects and a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device skill checks.
Dispel Synergy Logo WRmini General, Teamwork If you successfully dispel an ongoing magical effect on an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against your spells for one round
Dodge Combat +1 dodge bonus to AC. Dexterity 13
Double Slice Combat Add full Strength bonus to damage rolls with your off-hand. Dexterity 15
Two-Weapon Fighting
Dragon Ferocity Combat, Style 2x Strength bonus on first unarmed strike and 1½ after with Dragon Style. Foe is shaken for 1d4 + Strength bonus rounds if hit by Stunning Fist or by a critical. Strength 15
Mobility 5
Dragon Style
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Dragon Roar Combat, Style +1 stunning fist attempt per day. For 2 uses, you can make it a 15 foot cone attack that may make enemies shaken. Strength 15
Mobility 8
Dragon Style
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Dragon Style Combat, Style +2 saves vs sleep, paralysis and stunning. Add x1½ your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed attack in a round. Strength 15
Mobility 3
Improved Unarmed Strike
Dreadful Carnage Combat Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 or fewer hit points, you make a Persuasion (Intimidate) check to demoralize all enemies within 30 feet as a free action. BAB 11
Strength 15
Dazzling Display
Power Attack
Elemental Focus General Increase DC of damage spells of one energy type by 1. (Acid, Cold, Electricity or Fire)
Endurance General +2 bonus Athletics, +4 fort saves vs fatigue and exhaustion.
Exhausting Critical Combat, Critical When you score a critical hit on a foe, your target immediately becomes exhausted. BAB 15
Critical Focus
Tiring Critical
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Combat Proficient with one exotic weapon of your choice. BAB 1
Extra Arcane Pool General +2 arcane pool per day. Arcane Pool or Eldritch Pool (Magus class)
Extra Bane Weapon General +3 rounds of bane per day. Bane (Inquisitor class)
Extra Bombs General +4 bombs per day. Bomb (Alchemist class)
Extra Channel General +2 channel energy per day for selected class. Channel Energy (Cleric, Empyreal Sorcerer, Hospitaler classes)
Extra Lay On Hands General +2 lay on hands per day. Lay On Hands (Paladin class)
Extra Performance General +6 rounds of bardic performance per day. Bardic Performance (Bard class)
Extra Performance (Martyr) General +6 rounds of stigmata per day. Stigmata (Martyr archetype)
Extra Performance (Skald) General +6 rounds of raging song per day Raging Song (Skald class)
Extra Rage General +6 rounds of rage per day. Rage (Barbarian class)
Extra Rage Power General Select Rage Power feat Rage Power
Fencing Grace Combat, Melee Add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength to the damage (whichever is higher) of a chosen light or one-handed piercing weapon and make it benefit from Weapon Finesse. Dexterity 13
Weapon Focus
Weapon Finesse
Fury's Fall Combat, Maneuver When making a trip, add your Dexterity bonus to your CMB. Trip
Great Cleave Combat, Melee As a standard action, make a single attack at full BAB. If hit you can make extra attacks against foes within reach. Strength 13
Great Fortitude General +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
Greater Blind Fight Combat Your miss chance vs hidden or invisible foes is reduced to 20%. If ranged foe is pinpointed, it loses hidden attack bonuses regardless of the range. Perception 15
Improved Blind Fight
Greater Bull Rush Combat, Maneuver +2 CMB to Bull Rush. Enemy movement due to Bull Rush provokes Attack of Opportunity from you and your allies BAB 6
Strength 13
Bull Rush
Power Attack
Greater Dirty Trick Combat, Maneuver +2 CMB to Dirty Trick. Dirty trick penalty lasts for 1d4 rounds +1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target CMD. BAB 6
Intelligence 13
Dirty Trick
Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior
Greater Disarm Combat, Maneuver +2 CMB to Disarm. Disarm penalty lasts for 1d4 rounds +1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target CMD. BAB 6
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior
Greater Elemental Focus General Adds another +1 to DCs of the chosen energy type. Elemental Focus
Greater Penetrating Strike Combat Attacks made with Weapon Focus weapons ignore up to 10 points of damage reduction. Fighter 16
Penetrating Strike
Weapon Focus
Greater Shield Focus Combat Increase the AC bonus of any shield you are using by 1. Stacks with bonus granted by Shield Focus. Fighter 8
Shield Proficiency
Shield Focus
Greater Spell Focus General Adds another +1 to DCs of the chosen school. Spell Focus
Greater Spell Penetration General Adds another +2 to spell penetration. Spell Penetration
Greater Sunder Armor Combat, Maneuver +2 CMB on Sunder Armor. Sunder penalty lasts for 1d4 round + 1 for every 5 by which your attack exceeds the target CMD. BAB 6
Strength 13
Sunder Armor
Power Attack
Greater Trip Combat, Maneuver +2 CMB to Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attack of opportunity. BAB 6
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Combat You get a third attack with your off-hand at a -10 penalty. BAB 11
Dexterity 19
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Greater Vital Strike Combat As a standard action, make a full BAB attack for extra damage. The weapon's damage dice is multiplied by 4. BAB 16
Improved Vital Strike
Greater Weapon Focus Combat Adds an additional +1 to hit with the chosen weapon. Fighter 8
Weapon Focus
Greater Weapon Specialization Combat Adds an additional +2 to damage with the chosen weapon. Fighter 12
Weapon Specialization
Hammer the Gap Combat Consecutive hits vs the same foe in a full-attack deal extra damage equal to the number of your previous hits that turn. BAB 6
Improved Blind Fight Combat Your melee attacks ignore miss chance for less than total concealment. If you pinpoint a hidden attacker within 30 feet, that attacker no longer gets a ranged attack bonus. Perception 10
Blind Fight
Improved Cleaving Finish Combat, Melee You can use Cleaving Finish any number of times per round. BAB 6
Strength 13
Cleaving Finish
Great Cleave
Power Attack
Improved Critical Combat The threat range of your chosen weapon type is doubled. BAB 8
Improved Great Fortitude General +2 to Fortitude saves. Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative Combat +4 to Initiative checks.
Improved Iron Will General +2 to Will saves. Iron Will
Improved Lightning Reflexes General +2 to Reflex saves. Lightning Reflexes
Improved Precise Shot Combat, Ranged Your ranged attacks ignore the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. BAB 11
Dexterity 19
Precise Shot
Point-Blank Shot
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Combat When wielding two weapons, you get a second attack with your off-hand at a -5 penalty. BAB 6
Dexterity 17
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Unarmed Strike Combat, Melee Even unarmed you are considered armed and deal 1d3 bludgeoning damage with unarmed attacks (1d2 if Small).
Improved Vital Strike Combat As a standard action, make a full BAB attack that deals extra damage equal to 3x the weapon's damage die. BAB 11
Vital Strike
Indomitable Mount Logo WRmini Mounted Combat, Combat Use mobility skill for mount's saving throws Mounted Combat
Intimidating Prowess Combat In addition to your Charisma modifier, add your Strength modifier to Intimidate checks.
Iron Will General +2 to Will saves.
Lightning Reflexes General +2 to Reflex saves.
Lingering Performance General Bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing. Bardic Performance (Bard class)
Manyshot Combat, Ranged Fire 2 arrows on the first bow attack in a Full-Round Action. BAB 6
Rapid Shot
Martial Weapons Proficiency Combat Gain proficiency with martial weapons.
Metamagic (Empower Spell) Metamagic Increase the numeric effects of a spell by half, using a spell slot 2 levels higher than usual.
Metamagic (Extend Spell) Metamagic Double spell duration, using a spell slot 1 level higher.
Metamagic (Heighten Spell) Metamagic Cast spells as if they were a higher level.
Metamagic (Maximize Spell) Metamagic Cast spells with their numeric variables maximized, using a spell slot 3 levels higher.
Metamagic (Quicken Spell) Metamagic Cast your spell as a swift action, using a spell slot 4 levels higher.
Metamagic (Reach Spell) Metamagic Increase the range of your spell by one range category.
Missile Shield Combat Deflect one ranged missile with your shield per round. Dexterity 13
Shield Focus
Mounted Combat Logo WRmini Mounted Combat, Combat Use mobility skill to negate hit to mount.
Mounted Shield Logo WRmini Mounted Combat, Combat Add base shield bonus to mount's AC Mounted Combat
Natural Spell General Cast spells while using wild shape. Wisdom 13
Wild Shape
Outflank Combat, Teamwork +4 to hit while flanking and your critical hits provoke attacks of opportunity for your ally if he also has this feat. BAB 4
Penetrating Strike Combat Ignore up to 5 DR with weapons with Weapon Focus. Fighter 12
Weapon Focus
Persuasive General +2 to Persuasion and Perception, +4 if 10 or more ranks.
Piranha Strike Combat, Melee -1 Attack and +2 Damage for light and Finesse Weapons, the bonuses increase each 4 BAB
Secondary weapons gain only 50% of Damage bonus
Dexterity 13
Weapon Finesse
Point-Blank Master Combat, Ranged When firing a chosen ranged weapon type, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity even while threatened. Fighter 4
Weapon Specialization
Point-Blank Shot Combat, Ranged +1 attack and damage with ranged attacks within 30 feet.
Power Attack Combat, Melee -1 Attack and +2 Damage for melee weapons, the bonuses increase each 4 BAB
Secondary weapons gain only 50% of Damage bonus and Two-Handed weapons gain 150% of Damage bonus
Strength 13
Precise Shot Combat, Ranged No -4 penalty to hit foes in melee with ranged attacks. Point-Blank Shot
Precise Strike Combat, Teamwork Deal +1d6 precision damage per melee hit if both you and an ally with this feat are flanking the same foe. BAB 1
Dexterity 13
Pummeling Bully Combat, Style Force a trip combat maneuver check on a foe as a free action if you hit any of a full attack or flurry against him. BAB 9 or Monk 5
Pummeling Style
Improved Unarmed Strike
Pummeling Charge Combat, Style You can charge and make a full attack or flurry of blows at the end of your charge as part of the charge action. BAB 12 or Monk 8
Pummeling Style
Pummeling Style Combat, Style When you use a full attack or flurry of blows with Unarmed Attacks, total the damage from all hits before applying damage reduction. BAB 6 or Flurry of Blows
Improved Unarmed Strike
Rapid Shot Combat, Ranged As part of a ranged full attack, you can fire one extra time at your highest BAB. All your attacks are at -2 to hit.
Scribe scrolls Logo WRmini General Allows you to craft scrolls during camping. Logo WRmini
Seize the Moment Combat, Teamwork An ally's critical hits will provoke attack of opportunity for you if you both have this feat and threaten the same foe. Combat Reflexes
Selective Channel General Channel Energy does not heal enemies or damage allies. Charisma 13
Channel Energy (Cleric, Empyreal Sorcerer, Hospitaler classes)
Shatter Defenses Combat Any shaken, frightened or panicked foes hit by you this round is flat-footed to your attacks until your next turn end. BAB 6
Weapon Focus
Dazzling Display
Shake It Off Teamwork +1 bonus on saves for each nearby ally with this feat. Stacks up to +4 bonus.
Shield Bash Combat May attack with a shield with two-weapon fighting penalty. Light shield deals 1d3 damage, heavy deals 1d4. Shield Proficiency
Shield Focus Combat Increases the AC bonus granted by any shield by 1. Shield Proficiency
Shield Master Combat No penalty on attacks with a shield while wielding another weapon. Add your shield's enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the shield. BAB 11
Shield Proficiency
Shield Bash
Two-Weapon Fighting
Shield Proficiency Combat Gain proficiency with bucklers, light, and heavy shields.
Shield Wall Combat, Teamwork Using a shield adjacent a shield-wielding ally with this feat, the AC bonus from your shield increase by +1 if your ally uses a buckler or light shield, and +2 if heavy or tower shield. Shield Proficiency
Shielded Caster Teamwork +4 competence bonus on concentration when adjacent an ally who also have this feat. If ally uses a buckler or light shield add +1, add +2 if using heavy or tower shield.
Sickening Critical Combat, Critical If you make a critical hit, your foe get sickened for 1 min. BAB 11
Critical Focus
Simple Weapon Proficiency Combat You become proficient with all simple weapons.
Skill Focus General +3 on a chosen skill, +6 if 10 ranks or more.
Slashing Grace Combat Add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength to the damage (whichever is higher) of a chosen light or one-handed slashing weapon and make it benefit from Weapon Finesse. Dexterity 13
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus
Spell Focus General +1 DC for saves vs your spells of a chosen school of magic.
Spell Penetration General +2 on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Spell Specialization General +2 on caster level and all level-variable effects on a single chosen spell of a school you have Spell Focus in. Spell Focus
Spirited Charge Logo WRmini Mounted Combat, Combat deal double damage with melee weapons. Mounted Combat
Staggering Critical Combat, Critical When you score a critical hit, your foe is staggered for 1d4 + 1 rounds or 1 round if Fort save (DC 10+ your BAB). BAB 13
Critical Focus
Stealthy General +2 on Mobility and Stealth checks, +4 if 10 or more ranks.
Steel Soul Racial +4 racial bonus on saves vs spells and spell-like abilities (replaces the normal bonus from the hardy trait). Dwarf (Hardy trait)
Stunning Fist Combat, Melee Your unarmed attacks can stun foes that fail fort save. Normally you can attempt this ability once per day per four character levels. Improved Unarmed Strike
Sunder Armor Combat, Maneuver A combat maneuver to negate a foe's armor benefit for 1r +1 for every 5 by which your attack exceeds your foe's CMD. You gain +2 CMB with it and +2 CMD against it. Strength 13
Power Attack
Superior Summoning General When casting a summoning spell that conjures more than one creature, add one to the total number of creatures. Augment Summoning
Tandem Trip Combat, Maneuver, Teamwork Perform a combat maneuver to trip a foe threatened by an ally with this feat, roll twice and take the better result. Trip
Throw Anything Combat +1 bonus on attack rolls with thrown splash weapons.
Tiring Critical Combat, Critical When you score a critical hit, the target becomes fatigued. BAB 13
Critical Focus
Tower Shield Proficiency Combat Able to equip tower shields. Shield Proficiency
Toughness General Gain +3 HP and +1 HP for each of your HD beyond 3.
Trample Logo WRmini Mounted Combat, Combat Trample enemies while riding a mount, knocking the target prone and deal one natural attack damage Mounted Combat
Trip Combat, Maneuver You may trip foes, gain +2 CMB to attack or defend vs trip. Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior
Two-Weapon Fighting Combat Your to hit penalty for two-weapon fighting is reduced by 2 for your primary hand and 6 for your off-hand. Dexterity 15
Vital Strike Combat As a standard action, make an attack at your highest BAB that deals damage equal to 2x the weapon's damage die. BAB 6
Volley Fire Logo WRmini Combat, Teamwork You have trained to work in ranks of archers to rain arrows down upon your foes.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls for each ally with this feat who made a ranged attack since the end of your last turn against a target within 15 feet of your target, to a maximum of +4.

Point-Blank Shot
Weapon Finesse Combat Use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength on attack rolls (or whichever is higher) for finessable weapons.
Weapon Focus Combat +1 on all attack rolls with the chosen weapon type. BAB 1
Weapon Specialization Combat +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make with the chosen weapon type. Fighter 4
Weapon Focus
Wings Racial Gain angelic wings that grants +3 dodge bonus to AC vs melee and immunity to ground based effects. Aasimar 10