Feats are special abilities of each character, further setting them apart from comparable builds. Feats often have a number of prerequisites that must be met in order to select them during level ups. All characters receive a free feat every odd character level. How often a character receives Feats beyond that depends on their class.
Ability score prerequisites for a feat can be met by using equipment. E.g. a character with 8 DEX can learn Dodge (requires 13 DEX) if during his level-up he has a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6 equipped on him. But the feat will only have its effect as long as the respective ability score is still increased.
Types of Feats[ | ]
- General feats have no special rules beyond those that apply to all feats.
- Combat feats can be selected as fighters’ bonus feats, but other characters can select them as well.
- Maneuver feats grant Combat Maneuver Abilities that the player can choose to use actively in fights.
- Critical feats modify the effects of critical hits.
- Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to grant their spells new powers and effects. Spells modified by such feats generally take up a higher-level spell slot than normal.
- Teamwork feats provide benefits to characters in specific circumstances. Usually, two or more characters must have the same teamwork feat to use it.
- Mounted Combat
feats provides benefits for mounted combatants.
All Feats[ | ]
BAB - Basic Attack Bonus (BAB)
Name | Type | Benefit | Requirements |
Ability Focus — Bombs | General | +2 to the DC for all saving throws against your bombs. | Bomb or Arcane Bombs |
Accomplished Sneak Attacker | General | Your sneak attack damage increases by 1d6. | Sneak Attack Rank 1+ |
Advanced Weapon Training ![]() |
Combat, General | Select one advanced weapon training option, applying it to your fighter weapon groups you have selected with the weapon training class feature. | Weapon Training |
Agile Maneuvers | Combat | Use Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for calculating CMB. | Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Sunder Armor, or Trip |
Aldori Dueling Mastery | Combat | +2 bonus on initiative if wielding a dueling sword at start of combat. +2 AC shield bonus if off-hand is free. | Dexterity 13 Weapon Finesse Weapon Focus (Dueling Sword) |
Alertness | General | +2 bonus on Perception checks; +4 if 10 or more skill ranks. | |
Allied Spellcaster | Teamwork | +2 bonus to concentration and level checks to overcome spell resistance if an ally who also has this feat is nearby. | |
Arcane Armor Training | Combat | Reduce your armor's arcane spell failure by 10%. | |
Arcane Armor Mastery | Combat | Reduce your armor's arcane spell failure by 10%. Stacks with Arcane Armor Training for total 20% reduction. | Arcane Armor Training |
Arcane Focus ![]() |
General, Magic | Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast spells defensively, and a +1 bonus on caster levels checks to overcome spell resistance. | |
Arcane Strike | Combat | As a swift action your weapons deal +1 damage and +1 damage per 5 caster levels and are treated as magic for DR purposes for 1 round. | Ability to cast arcane spells |
Armor Focus | Combat | +1 on AC bonus while wearing a chosen armor type. | BAB 1 |
Armor Proficiency (Light Armor) | Combat | Gain proficiency with light armor. | |
Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor) | Combat | Gain proficiency with medium armor. | Armor Proficiency (Light Armor) |
Armor Proficiency (Heavy Armor) | Combat | Gain proficiency with heavy armor. | Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor) |
Augment Summoning | General | Summoned creatures gain +4 Strength and Constitution. | Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
Back to Back | Teamwork | +2 AC vs flanking foes when adjacent an ally with this feat. | Perception 3 |
Bashing Finish | Combat, Melee | When you critical hit with a melee weapon, you can as a free action make a shield bash vs. the foe with the same bonus. | BAB 11 Shield Bash Shield Master Two-Weapon Fighting |
Blind Fight | Combat | When you miss a melee attack due to concealment, you reroll once. Invisible melee foes get no bonus hitting you. Gain immunity to Gaze Attacks. | |
Blinding Critical | Combat, Critical | Your critical hits dazzle foes for 1d4 rounds or blind them unless they make a DC 10 + your BAB fort save. | BAB 15 Critical Focus |
Boon Companion | General | +4 Animal companion level progression, cannot exceed character level. | Animal Companion |
Breadth of Experience ![]() |
General | You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge and Lore skill checks. | |
Brew Potions ![]() |
General | brew potions of spells up to level 3 during camping | |
Bull Rush | Combat, Maneuver | Charge foe to push them back. +2 CMB when attacking and defending against Bull Rush. | Strength 13 Power Attack |
Cautious Fighter | Combat, Racial | +2 dodge AC when using Fighting Defensively. | Halfling |
Cleave | Combat, Melee | As a standard action, make a full BAB melee attack that if hits, gives you an extra melee attack vs an adjacent foe. Suffer -2 AC penalty for 1 round after using it. | Strength 13 Power Attack |
Cleaving Finish | Combat, Melee | After reducing a target to 0 Hit Points, gain an extra melee attack vs any foe adjacent to the target. | Strength 13 Power Attack Cleave |
Clustered Shots | Combat, Ranged | Total all damage from weapon attacks in a round before applying damage reduction. | BAB 6 Point-Blank Shot Precise Shot |
Combat Casting | General | +4 bonus on concentration to cast spells. | |
Combat Expertise | Combat | Optional -1 to hit/CMB for +1 AC scaling by 1 per 4 BAB. | Intelligence 13 |
Combat Mobility | Combat | +4 dodge bonus to AC vs attacks of opportunity when you move out or within a threatened area. | Dexterity 13 Dodge |
Combat Reflexes | Combat | Gain extra attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus. | |
Coordinated Defense | Combat, Teamwork | +2 bonus, or +4 if your foe is larger than you, to your CMD when nearby an ally who also has this feat. | |
Coordinated Maneuvers | Combat, Teamwork | +2 competence bonus on all combat maneuver checks when nearby an ally who also has this feat. +4 against Grapple | |
Cornugon Smash | Combat, Melee | A hit with Power Attack can automatically intimidate the foe. | Persuasion 6 Power Attack |
Crane Riposte | Combat, Style | Reduce Fighting Defensively Attack penalty by 1. When a foe miss you by 4 or less, you lose dodge bonus from Crane Wing but get an Attack of Opportunity on that foe. | BAB 8 or Monk 7 Dodge Crane Style Crane Wing Improved Unarmed Strike |
Crane Style | Combat, Style | Reduce Fighting Defensively Attack penalty by 2. +1 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively with Crane Style. | BAB 2 or Monk 1 Improved Unarmed Strike Dodge |
Crane Wing | Combat, Style | +4 AC when fighting defensively with a free hand. If missed by a melee attack by 4 or less, lose the bonus that round. | BAB 5 or Monk 5 Dodge Crane Style Improved Unarmed Strike |
Critical Focus | Combat | +4 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits. | BAB 9 |
Critical Mastery | Combat, Critical | When you score a critical hit, you can apply the effects of two critical feats in addition to the damage dealt. | Fighter 14 Critical Focus Two critical feats |
Crushing Blow | Combat, Melee | Make a Stunning Fist attack as a full-round action that reduce the target's AC by your Wisdom modifier for 1 min. | Improved Unarmed Strike Stunning Fist |
Dazzling Display | Combat | Intimidate all foes within 30 feet who can see your display. | Weapon Focus |
Deadly Aim | Combat, Ranged | -1 Attack and +2 Damage for ranged weapons, the bonuses increase each 4 BAB. | BAB 1 Dexterity 13 |
Deceitful | General | +2 Persuasion and Trickery, +4 if 10 ranks or more. | |
Defensive Combat Training | Combat | Use your total HD as your BAB when calculating your CMD. | |
Deflect Arrows | Combat | Deflect one ranged attack hitting you per round if you have a hand free. | Dexterity 13 Improved Unarmed Strike |
Deft Hands | General | +2 Trickery and Use Magic Device, +4 if 10 ranks or more. | |
Destructive Dispel ![]() |
Magic, General | When you successfully make a targeted dispel check against an opponent, that opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 caster level + casting ability modifier) or be stunned until the start of your next turn. If the save succeeds, the opponent is instead sickened for 1 round. | |
Diehard | General | If 0 hp or less, fight on for 1 round before unconscious. | |
Dirty Trick | Combat, Maneuver | As a standard action perform a combat maneuver to impose either: blinded, entangled, or sickened on a foe for 1 round + 1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target's CMD. +2 CMB and CMD for Dirty Tricks |
Intelligence 13 Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior |
Disarm | Combat, Maneuver | As a standard action perform a combat maneuver to disarm target for 1 round + 1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target's CMD. +2 CMB and CMD for Disarm |
Intelligence 13 Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior |
Discerning Eye ![]() |
General | You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against Illusion spells and effects and a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device skill checks. | |
Dispel Synergy ![]() |
General, Teamwork | If you successfully dispel an ongoing magical effect on an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against your spells for one round | |
Dodge | Combat | +1 dodge bonus to AC. | Dexterity 13 |
Double Slice | Combat | Add full Strength bonus to damage rolls with your off-hand. | Dexterity 15 Two-Weapon Fighting |
Dragon Ferocity | Combat, Style | 2x Strength bonus on first unarmed strike and 1½ after with Dragon Style. Foe is shaken for 1d4 + Strength bonus rounds if hit by Stunning Fist or by a critical. | Strength 15 Mobility 5 Dragon Style Improved Unarmed Strike Stunning Fist |
Dragon Roar | Combat, Style | +1 stunning fist attempt per day. For 2 uses, you can make it a 15 foot cone attack that may make enemies shaken. | Strength 15 Mobility 8 Dragon Style Improved Unarmed Strike Stunning Fist |
Dragon Style | Combat, Style | +2 saves vs sleep, paralysis and stunning. Add x1½ your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed attack in a round. | Strength 15 Mobility 3 Improved Unarmed Strike |
Dreadful Carnage | Combat | Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 or fewer hit points, you make a Persuasion (Intimidate) check to demoralize all enemies within 30 feet as a free action. | BAB 11 Strength 15 Dazzling Display Power Attack |
Elemental Focus | General | Increase DC of damage spells of one energy type by 1. (Acid, Cold, Electricity or Fire) | |
Endurance | General | +2 bonus Athletics, +4 fort saves vs fatigue and exhaustion. | |
Exhausting Critical | Combat, Critical | When you score a critical hit on a foe, your target immediately becomes exhausted. | BAB 15 Critical Focus Tiring Critical |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency | Combat | Proficient with one exotic weapon of your choice. | BAB 1 |
Extra Arcane Pool | General | +2 arcane pool per day. | Arcane Pool or Eldritch Pool (Magus class) |
Extra Bane Weapon | General | +3 rounds of bane per day. | Bane (Inquisitor class) |
Extra Bombs | General | +4 bombs per day. | Bomb (Alchemist class) |
Extra Channel | General | +2 channel energy per day for selected class. | Channel Energy (Cleric, Empyreal Sorcerer, Hospitaler classes) |
Extra Lay On Hands | General | +2 lay on hands per day. | Lay On Hands (Paladin class) |
Extra Performance | General | +6 rounds of bardic performance per day. | Bardic Performance (Bard class) |
Extra Performance (Martyr) | General | +6 rounds of stigmata per day. | Stigmata (Martyr archetype) |
Extra Performance (Skald) | General | +6 rounds of raging song per day | Raging Song (Skald class) |
Extra Rage | General | +6 rounds of rage per day. | Rage (Barbarian class) |
Extra Rage Power | General | Select Rage Power feat | Rage Power |
Fencing Grace | Combat, Melee | Add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength to the damage (whichever is higher) of a chosen light or one-handed piercing weapon and make it benefit from Weapon Finesse. | Dexterity 13 Weapon Focus Weapon Finesse |
Fury's Fall | Combat, Maneuver | When making a trip, add your Dexterity bonus to your CMB. | Trip |
Great Cleave | Combat, Melee | As a standard action, make a single attack at full BAB. If hit you can make extra attacks against foes within reach. | Strength 13 Cleave |
Great Fortitude | General | +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws. | |
Greater Blind Fight | Combat | Your miss chance vs hidden or invisible foes is reduced to 20%. If ranged foe is pinpointed, it loses hidden attack bonuses regardless of the range. | Perception 15 Improved Blind Fight |
Greater Bull Rush | Combat, Maneuver | +2 CMB to Bull Rush. Enemy movement due to Bull Rush provokes Attack of Opportunity from you and your allies | BAB 6 Strength 13 Bull Rush Power Attack |
Greater Dirty Trick | Combat, Maneuver | +2 CMB to Dirty Trick. Dirty trick penalty lasts for 1d4 rounds +1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target CMD. | BAB 6 Intelligence 13 Dirty Trick Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior |
Greater Disarm | Combat, Maneuver | +2 CMB to Disarm. Disarm penalty lasts for 1d4 rounds +1 per 5 by which your attack exceeds the target CMD. | BAB 6 Intelligence 13 Disarm Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior |
Greater Elemental Focus | General | Adds another +1 to DCs of the chosen energy type. | Elemental Focus |
Greater Penetrating Strike | Combat | Attacks made with Weapon Focus weapons ignore up to 10 points of damage reduction. | Fighter 16 Penetrating Strike Weapon Focus |
Greater Shield Focus | Combat | Increase the AC bonus of any shield you are using by 1. Stacks with bonus granted by Shield Focus. | Fighter 8 Shield Proficiency Shield Focus |
Greater Spell Focus | General | Adds another +1 to DCs of the chosen school. | Spell Focus |
Greater Spell Penetration | General | Adds another +2 to spell penetration. | Spell Penetration |
Greater Sunder Armor | Combat, Maneuver | +2 CMB on Sunder Armor. Sunder penalty lasts for 1d4 round + 1 for every 5 by which your attack exceeds the target CMD. | BAB 6 Strength 13 Sunder Armor Power Attack |
Greater Trip | Combat, Maneuver | +2 CMB to Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attack of opportunity. | BAB 6 Intelligence 13 Trip Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior |
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting | Combat | You get a third attack with your off-hand at a -10 penalty. | BAB 11 Dexterity 19 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting |
Greater Vital Strike | Combat | As a standard action, make a full BAB attack for extra damage. The weapon's damage dice is multiplied by 4. | BAB 16 Improved Vital Strike |
Greater Weapon Focus | Combat | Adds an additional +1 to hit with the chosen weapon. | Fighter 8 Weapon Focus |
Greater Weapon Specialization | Combat | Adds an additional +2 to damage with the chosen weapon. | Fighter 12 Weapon Specialization |
Hammer the Gap | Combat | Consecutive hits vs the same foe in a full-attack deal extra damage equal to the number of your previous hits that turn. | BAB 6 |
Improved Blind Fight | Combat | Your melee attacks ignore miss chance for less than total concealment. If you pinpoint a hidden attacker within 30 feet, that attacker no longer gets a ranged attack bonus. | Perception 10 Blind Fight |
Improved Cleaving Finish | Combat, Melee | You can use Cleaving Finish any number of times per round. | BAB 6 Strength 13 Cleave Cleaving Finish Great Cleave Power Attack |
Improved Critical | Combat | The threat range of your chosen weapon type is doubled. | BAB 8 |
Improved Great Fortitude | General | +2 to Fortitude saves. | Great Fortitude |
Improved Initiative | Combat | +4 to Initiative checks. | |
Improved Iron Will | General | +2 to Will saves. | Iron Will |
Improved Lightning Reflexes | General | +2 to Reflex saves. | Lightning Reflexes |
Improved Precise Shot | Combat, Ranged | Your ranged attacks ignore the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. | BAB 11 Dexterity 19 Precise Shot Point-Blank Shot |
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting | Combat | When wielding two weapons, you get a second attack with your off-hand at a -5 penalty. | BAB 6 Dexterity 17 Two-Weapon Fighting |
Improved Unarmed Strike | Combat, Melee | Even unarmed you are considered armed and deal 1d3 bludgeoning damage with unarmed attacks (1d2 if Small). | |
Improved Vital Strike | Combat | As a standard action, make a full BAB attack that deals extra damage equal to 3x the weapon's damage die. | BAB 11 Vital Strike |
Indomitable Mount ![]() |
Mounted Combat, Combat | Use mobility skill for mount's saving throws | Mounted Combat |
Intimidating Prowess | Combat | In addition to your Charisma modifier, add your Strength modifier to Intimidate checks. | |
Iron Will | General | +2 to Will saves. | |
Lightning Reflexes | General | +2 to Reflex saves. | |
Lingering Performance | General | Bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing. | Bardic Performance (Bard class) |
Manyshot | Combat, Ranged | Fire 2 arrows on the first bow attack in a Full-Round Action. | BAB 6 Rapid Shot |
Martial Weapons Proficiency | Combat | Gain proficiency with martial weapons. | |
Metamagic (Empower Spell) | Metamagic | Increase the numeric effects of a spell by half, using a spell slot 2 levels higher than usual. | |
Metamagic (Extend Spell) | Metamagic | Double spell duration, using a spell slot 1 level higher. | |
Metamagic (Heighten Spell) | Metamagic | Cast spells as if they were a higher level. | |
Metamagic (Maximize Spell) | Metamagic | Cast spells with their numeric variables maximized, using a spell slot 3 levels higher. | |
Metamagic (Quicken Spell) | Metamagic | Cast your spell as a swift action, using a spell slot 4 levels higher. | |
Metamagic (Reach Spell) | Metamagic | Increase the range of your spell by one range category. | |
Missile Shield | Combat | Deflect one ranged missile with your shield per round. | Dexterity 13 Shield Focus |
Mounted Combat ![]() |
Mounted Combat, Combat | Use mobility skill to negate hit to mount. | |
Mounted Shield ![]() |
Mounted Combat, Combat | Add base shield bonus to mount's AC | Mounted Combat |
Natural Spell | General | Cast spells while using wild shape. | Wisdom 13 Wild Shape |
Outflank | Combat, Teamwork | +4 to hit while flanking and your critical hits provoke attacks of opportunity for your ally if he also has this feat. | BAB 4 |
Penetrating Strike | Combat | Ignore up to 5 DR with weapons with Weapon Focus. | Fighter 12 Weapon Focus |
Persuasive | General | +2 to Persuasion and Perception, +4 if 10 or more ranks. | |
Piranha Strike | Combat, Melee | -1 Attack and +2 Damage for light and Finesse Weapons, the bonuses increase each 4 BAB Secondary weapons gain only 50% of Damage bonus |
Dexterity 13 Weapon Finesse |
Point-Blank Master | Combat, Ranged | When firing a chosen ranged weapon type, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity even while threatened. | Fighter 4 Weapon Specialization |
Point-Blank Shot | Combat, Ranged | +1 attack and damage with ranged attacks within 30 feet. | |
Power Attack | Combat, Melee | -1 Attack and +2 Damage for melee weapons, the bonuses increase each 4 BAB Secondary weapons gain only 50% of Damage bonus and Two-Handed weapons gain 150% of Damage bonus |
Strength 13 |
Precise Shot | Combat, Ranged | No -4 penalty to hit foes in melee with ranged attacks. | Point-Blank Shot |
Precise Strike | Combat, Teamwork | Deal +1d6 precision damage per melee hit if both you and an ally with this feat are flanking the same foe. | BAB 1 Dexterity 13 |
Pummeling Bully | Combat, Style | Force a trip combat maneuver check on a foe as a free action if you hit any of a full attack or flurry against him. | BAB 9 or Monk 5 Pummeling Style Trip Improved Unarmed Strike |
Pummeling Charge | Combat, Style | You can charge and make a full attack or flurry of blows at the end of your charge as part of the charge action. | BAB 12 or Monk 8 Pummeling Style |
Pummeling Style | Combat, Style | When you use a full attack or flurry of blows with Unarmed Attacks, total the damage from all hits before applying damage reduction. | BAB 6 or Flurry of Blows Improved Unarmed Strike |
Rapid Shot | Combat, Ranged | As part of a ranged full attack, you can fire one extra time at your highest BAB. All your attacks are at -2 to hit. | |
Scribe scrolls ![]() |
General | Allows you to craft scrolls during camping. ![]() |
Seize the Moment | Combat, Teamwork | An ally's critical hits will provoke attack of opportunity for you if you both have this feat and threaten the same foe. | Combat Reflexes |
Selective Channel | General | Channel Energy does not heal enemies or damage allies. | Charisma 13 Channel Energy (Cleric, Empyreal Sorcerer, Hospitaler classes) |
Shatter Defenses | Combat | Any shaken, frightened or panicked foes hit by you this round is flat-footed to your attacks until your next turn end. | BAB 6 Weapon Focus Dazzling Display |
Shake It Off | Teamwork | +1 bonus on saves for each nearby ally with this feat. Stacks up to +4 bonus. | |
Shield Bash | Combat | May attack with a shield with two-weapon fighting penalty. Light shield deals 1d3 damage, heavy deals 1d4. | Shield Proficiency |
Shield Focus | Combat | Increases the AC bonus granted by any shield by 1. | Shield Proficiency |
Shield Master | Combat | No penalty on attacks with a shield while wielding another weapon. Add your shield's enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the shield. | BAB 11 Shield Proficiency Shield Bash Two-Weapon Fighting |
Shield Proficiency | Combat | Gain proficiency with bucklers, light, and heavy shields. | |
Shield Wall | Combat, Teamwork | Using a shield adjacent a shield-wielding ally with this feat, the AC bonus from your shield increase by +1 if your ally uses a buckler or light shield, and +2 if heavy or tower shield. | Shield Proficiency |
Shielded Caster | Teamwork | +4 competence bonus on concentration when adjacent an ally who also have this feat. If ally uses a buckler or light shield add +1, add +2 if using heavy or tower shield. | |
Sickening Critical | Combat, Critical | If you make a critical hit, your foe get sickened for 1 min. | BAB 11 Critical Focus |
Simple Weapon Proficiency | Combat | You become proficient with all simple weapons. | |
Skill Focus | General | +3 on a chosen skill, +6 if 10 ranks or more. | |
Slashing Grace | Combat | Add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength to the damage (whichever is higher) of a chosen light or one-handed slashing weapon and make it benefit from Weapon Finesse. | Dexterity 13 Weapon Finesse Weapon Focus |
Spell Focus | General | +1 DC for saves vs your spells of a chosen school of magic. | |
Spell Penetration | General | +2 on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. | |
Spell Specialization | General | +2 on caster level and all level-variable effects on a single chosen spell of a school you have Spell Focus in. | Spell Focus |
Spirited Charge ![]() |
Mounted Combat, Combat | deal double damage with melee weapons. | Mounted Combat |
Staggering Critical | Combat, Critical | When you score a critical hit, your foe is staggered for 1d4 + 1 rounds or 1 round if Fort save (DC 10+ your BAB). | BAB 13 Critical Focus |
Stealthy | General | +2 on Mobility and Stealth checks, +4 if 10 or more ranks. | |
Steel Soul | Racial | +4 racial bonus on saves vs spells and spell-like abilities (replaces the normal bonus from the hardy trait). | Dwarf (Hardy trait) |
Stunning Fist | Combat, Melee | Your unarmed attacks can stun foes that fail fort save. Normally you can attempt this ability once per day per four character levels. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Sunder Armor | Combat, Maneuver | A combat maneuver to negate a foe's armor benefit for 1r +1 for every 5 by which your attack exceeds your foe's CMD. You gain +2 CMB with it and +2 CMD against it. | Strength 13 Power Attack |
Superior Summoning | General | When casting a summoning spell that conjures more than one creature, add one to the total number of creatures. | Augment Summoning |
Tandem Trip | Combat, Maneuver, Teamwork | Perform a combat maneuver to trip a foe threatened by an ally with this feat, roll twice and take the better result. | Trip |
Throw Anything | Combat | +1 bonus on attack rolls with thrown splash weapons. | |
Tiring Critical | Combat, Critical | When you score a critical hit, the target becomes fatigued. | BAB 13 Critical Focus |
Tower Shield Proficiency | Combat | Able to equip tower shields. | Shield Proficiency |
Toughness | General | Gain +3 HP and +1 HP for each of your HD beyond 3. | |
Trample ![]() |
Mounted Combat, Combat | Trample enemies while riding a mount, knocking the target prone and deal one natural attack damage | Mounted Combat |
Trip | Combat, Maneuver | You may trip foes, gain +2 CMB to attack or defend vs trip. | Intelligence 13 Combat Expertise or Kinetic Warrior |
Two-Weapon Fighting | Combat | Your to hit penalty for two-weapon fighting is reduced by 2 for your primary hand and 6 for your off-hand. | Dexterity 15 |
Vital Strike | Combat | As a standard action, make an attack at your highest BAB that deals damage equal to 2x the weapon's damage die. | BAB 6 |
Volley Fire ![]() |
Combat, Teamwork | You have trained to work in ranks of archers to rain arrows down upon your foes.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls for each ally with this feat who made a ranged attack since the end of your last turn against a target within 15 feet of your target, to a maximum of +4. |
Point-Blank Shot |
Weapon Finesse | Combat | Use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength on attack rolls (or whichever is higher) for finessable weapons. | |
Weapon Focus | Combat | +1 on all attack rolls with the chosen weapon type. | BAB 1 |
Weapon Specialization | Combat | +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make with the chosen weapon type. | Fighter 4 Weapon Focus |
Wings | Racial | Gain angelic wings that grants +3 dodge bonus to AC vs melee and immunity to ground based effects. | Aasimar 10 |