Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Experience Points (XP) are gained when a character defeats monsters, completes quests, passes skill checks, and overcomes challenges. These points accumulate over time, and when they reach or surpass a specific value, the character gains a level. This allows them to gain a new class or increase their level in one of their already taken classes. This also provides other benefits, such as increasing the character's total hit points.

When a character reaches the maximum level 20, any further experience points he/she gains are wasted (they are not redistributed to other party members). With shared experience off, overlevelling the main character or some of the companions leads to wasted experience in the long run, provided that they reach level 20 before the end of the game.

Level Experience Points required
1 0
2 2,000
3 5,000
4 9,000
5 15,000
6 23,000
7 35,000
8 51,000
9 75,000
10 105,000
11 155,000
12 220,000
13 315,000
14 445,000
15 635,000
16 890,000
17 1,300,000
18 1,800,000
19 2,550,000
20 3,600,000