Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki
No Man's Slave
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Throne room events#Octavia and Regongar Want to Talk
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Quest_Regongar_Q3 (f87c4488997ede74997659170d479f94)

No Man's Slave is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

Journal[ | ]

Regongar's tribe disowned him when he was barely a child. And not just disowned — he was sold to slave traders from the Technic League! It's obvious he has no warm feelings toward his old tribe, but he has learned who they are and where they live. Knowing him, I fear to even imagine how their meeting will go!
Talk to Regongar +4320xp Obj_01_Talk_Regongar (9c9153884e7ad4d4e8cb8b42ec172bd5)
Using the clues found in Janush's documents, Regongar finally learned which tribe he was from. He doesn't seem happy about it, though… He's waiting for the {king/queen} in the palace garden to discuss things.
Meet Regongar's tribe +5760xp Obj_02_Visit_Tribe (e6b623a6dbe4c3947be1ab6aea7ee212)
Regongar's going to meet his tribe — the very people who disowned him. Is he looking for revenge? Or just to look (and maybe spit) into their eyes? It looks like he hasn't decided just yet.
Talk to Regongar +28800xp Obj_03_Talk_Regongar_Again (79fe4e2028cc24e4b82aadaa0f4d68f9)
What a disappointment! Regongar didn't even have a chance to talk to his tribesmen, let alone get revenge on them. Only one old man was left alive from the tribe — all the others were destroyed by Regongar's brother… What is he thinking now? What is he feeling? He awaits the {king/queen} in the same spot as before — in the palace garden, near the viewing point — to discuss things.
- No exp RegongarQ3_HiddenFail (7acf917ebd5003e40aa92c1e9794e6ea)
Sometimes we don't realize how heavy the burden of the past weighs on our shoulders until we're rid of it. Only now is Regongar truly free — he has no one left to run from, and no one left to take revenge on. What will he do with his newfound freedom? Anything, it seems, so long as the one who made it possible for him is by his side!

Walkthrough[ | ]

  • Once this quest is started you can't talk normally to Regongar until you finish or fail the quest.

Talk to Regongar (1)[ | ]

  • Talk to Regongar
    • You get to make an alignment choice: (Lawful Good), (Chaotic Neutral) or (Neutral Evil)
    • You can proceed with the quest or refuse it.

Meet Regongar's tribe[ | ]

Talk to Regongar (2)[ | ]

  • Talk to Regongar, you get to make an alignment response: (Lawful Good), (Lawful Neutral), (Neutral), (Chaotic Neutral), (Lawful Evil), (Chaotic Evil).